Friday, 11 September 2015



Making reference to the preamble of the 1992 constitution of Ghana which states that,
"In the name of the Almighty God we the people of Ghana, in exercise of our natural
and inalienable right to establish a framework of government which shall secure for ourselves and POSTERITY the blessings of liberty, equality of opportunity and prosperity; ..........."

Question: Is the playing field prepared enough for POSTERITY?

Successive governments have through a number of policies encouraged and facilitated the education of the youth. This has invariably increased the number of in-take in the
tertiary educational institutions. Hence, about 25,000 youths graduate annually from the various educational institutions.

Nevertheless, there are less employment avenues to absorb these graduates. Between
1993 and 2002, the total number of health workers who left the country to work abroad was 3,157 (ISSER, 2003)

During the NPP era the government instituted the National Youth Employment Program (NYEP) to absorb the youth and bridge the unemployment gap. This program was
 carried-on on contract  basis. Beneficiaries were paid allowance which was not enough.

Accordingly the NDC government after winning the 2008 election instituted GYEEDA. This program was meant to bridge the unemployment gap was embattled with
 corruption. Funds channeled to the program was embezzled by government officials,
leading to the collapse of the program.

Notwithstanding the above problems coupled with youth unemployment in Ghana, the
government has placed embargo on public sector employment in order to reduce government wage bill. Besides, the economic environment is also bedeviled with the almighty,"...... DUMSOR DUMSOR" leading to labour retrenchment and the collapsed of

The youth of today, notably university and polytechnic graduates, trained nurses’ resort
 to sports betting to earn a living. Some even turned into drug barons, prostitutes,
thieves, armed robbers, fraudsters and a host of social cankers.

Question: Is this the POSTERITY marked with equality of opportunity and prosperity,
 the constitution talks about? Where lies the future of Ghana?

An article written by:
0543976783/ 0241744760

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